Appendix 5: Case Study - Digital Micro-plans for COVID-19

Goal: To ensure the population has equitable access to COVID-19 vaccination centres.

Method: Digital microplanning – the process of demarcating catchment areas that would be covered by each COVID-19 vaccination centre.

Data composition:

  • Spatial population (by age groups and gender, priority groups, refusal population, special population)

  • Modes of transport (accessibility, travel time, landcover, traffic data, elevation)

  • Healthcare facility capability (locations, capacity, staff, inventory, priority, status)

Data sources: Country offices provide geospatial needs through needs assessment survey; Technical partners outline expertise available to support countries.

Data validation: Process is initiated and facilitated by MoH. Data validation is done at country level in collaboration with WHO/UNICEF country offices.

Partnerships: WHO, UNICEF, GAVI, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Global Fund, World Bank (Core partners of working group)

Design tools/Technology: Vaccination centre scenario builder (a web-based planning tool that supports decision making)


  • Core partner engagement (resource mapping, role delineation)

  • Country needs and preparedness assessment (needs survey synthesized into actionable themes)

  • Technical benchmarking (engagement of technical partners, technical assessment aligned to country needs)

  • Implementation support (packaging of technical components to meet country needs)


  • Delineation of spatial boundaries of each health facility.

  • Estimates of populations reached by a specific facility.

  • Support the location of additional mobile COVID-19 vaccination centres.

  • Map refusal populations.

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