Appendix 5: Case Study - Digital Micro-plans for COVID-19
Goal: To ensure the population has equitable access to COVID-19 vaccination centres.
Method: Digital microplanning – the process of demarcating catchment areas that would be covered by each COVID-19 vaccination centre.
Data composition:
Spatial population (by age groups and gender, priority groups, refusal population, special population)
Modes of transport (accessibility, travel time, landcover, traffic data, elevation)
Healthcare facility capability (locations, capacity, staff, inventory, priority, status)
Data sources: Country offices provide geospatial needs through needs assessment survey; Technical partners outline expertise available to support countries.
Data validation: Process is initiated and facilitated by MoH. Data validation is done at country level in collaboration with WHO/UNICEF country offices.
Partnerships: WHO, UNICEF, GAVI, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Global Fund, World Bank (Core partners of working group)
Design tools/Technology: Vaccination centre scenario builder (a web-based planning tool that supports decision making)
Core partner engagement (resource mapping, role delineation)
Country needs and preparedness assessment (needs survey synthesized into actionable themes)
Technical benchmarking (engagement of technical partners, technical assessment aligned to country needs)
Implementation support (packaging of technical components to meet country needs)
Delineation of spatial boundaries of each health facility.
Estimates of populations reached by a specific facility.
Support the location of additional mobile COVID-19 vaccination centres.
Map refusal populations.
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